Contacting host failed to download gnu archive

I'm currently using Ubuntu 18.04, and trying out Emacs for the first time. However, whenever I run the command package-refresh-contents, I get the the follow error:. Failed to download 'gnu' archive Hi, There seems to be a problem with the gnutls-cli detection on a mac. When i try to build i get these errors: ~/.emacs.d (master) make install Contacting host: Failed to download ‘gnu’ archive. So I've run into this issue but was able to solve it by adding in the proxy information at the top of early-init.el. The problem now is that if I want to pull the latest commits I need to remove then add this code back each time, and attempting to add it to my own config.el stops the doom script from using the proxy. Since we haven't heard from the affected users in a while, I am going to assume that this no longer is an issue. I also think that this is quite likely the case: @s-kostyaev seeing the same issue, too. Can't get the debugger to kick in, but have these messages: Contacting host: Failed to download `melpa' archive. No idea what the archive is supposed to look like - but this is showing up empty? Ubuntu 16.04 server --- Contacting host: when package-refresh-contents, izzy . yichao . cai, 07:00 Re: How to split (IMAP client side split) incoming mails into groups for multiple emails addresses with Gnus , gnuforever , 04:45

x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu checking host system type I still fail to compile any MakeMKV version on my Debian Unstable installation, be it the latest

It is only today that I found https connections to failed. Note also that to be sure, I did a rebuild and reinstall of emacs just in case it had been linked against an older library. Please note: This is a static page, with minimal formatting, updated once a day. Click here to see this page with the latest information and nicer formatting. Package: emacs; Severity: minor; Reported by: Van L ; dated Fri, 7 Jun… Archives are refreshed every 30 minutes - for details, please visit the main index. You can also download the archives in mbox format.

My init.el использует это для инициализации пакетов:(package-initialize)(add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . ""))(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa

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make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/gcc-4.9.4/host-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/zlib'

Ubuntu 16.04 server --- Contacting host: when package-refresh-contents, izzy . yichao . cai, 07:00 Re: How to split (IMAP client side split) incoming mails into groups for multiple emails addresses with Gnus , gnuforever , 04:45 bug#19349: 25.0.50; Can not use package manager after emacs upgrade. Issue may not be in package.e , Charles Magid , 2014/12/11 Issue may not be in package.e , Ted Zlatanov , 2014/12/11 普段emacsのパッケージ管理には cask ってやつを使っている。 mac の brewの caskでは無く、emacsのcaskだ。. で、久々にemacsのパッケージをインストールしようと思ったら以下のエラーが出た。. cask install Contacting host: Failed to download ‘melpa’ archive. Contacting host: Package refresh done Failed bug#18423: 24.3; emacs crash when ecb is called, Feng Fei, 2014/09/07. bug#18423: 24.3; emacs crash when ecb is called, Jan Djärv <=

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When I try run describe-variable on package-archive-contents C-h v package-archive-contents emacs hangs. It hangs at least 5 minutes, maybe forever (I did not wait any longer).Seems like Esc : (p Datasheet MPC500 электронного компонента производителя Motorola A collection of Darwin X11 BSD software: Geek Technology How to install and use GNU MPFR, a library for reliable multiple precisionfloating-point arithmetic, version 3.1.5. Find 49 sites similar to (Anonymouse, Org and Free). The most related sites to Anonymouse are:, and